Welcome! You’re joining us and fellow members as we build 100 Club together.

What You’ll Get in 100 Club

We’re here to:

  • Meet each other through questions, prompts, livestreams, and a weekly calendar.
  • Share our stories, experiences, and ideas.
  • Go deeper together in future workshops, courses, events, and more.
  • Ultimately, achieve results we want but are nearly impossible to get on our own without a community.

We’re not exaggerating when we say this is going to be awesome.

Our Community Culture

Now, if you’ve made it to this point, you’re going to love this part. The culture of 100 Club can be captured in a few quick things:

Say hello and introduce yourself. One of the easiest ways for you all to find each other starts with you introducing yourself. Use the introduction prompt in your profile to say hello.

Join in. Add your stories, experiences, and ideas to our prompts to make your time here as valuable as possible. And there are no dumb questions in 100 Club—ask away.

Be cool. We’re building something special here, which means we need each of us to be supportive and cool. Share your stories or experiences, but not advice. Don’t judge. And obviously, don’t spam or promote.

Connect generously. A community only gets stronger and more valuable to each of us as we contribute and spark connections with other members. When people introduce themselves, say hello. Find people near you or like you. Dash off a quick note or reaction that will make someone’s day—another great reason to download the mobile app!

Explore the Welcome Checklist

We’ve added a Welcome Checklist that’s designed to quickly give you the layout of 100 Club—how to adjust your notifications, download the app, and more.

Get started in the main Activity Feed. You can’t miss it.

Looking for Support?

If you need help at any point, send a note to one of us, your Hosts, or write into Mighty Networks, the platform powering 100 Club.

Ready to Add Your Introduction?

Go to your profile to get started.