
Challenge #1 – Swim, Walk or Run 100 Kms

by John May  - May 5, 2023

Challenge not race

Gamified to see who will get there first although that is about consistency more than big efforts as a rule

Free to join Strava can log manually on honour system or connect your fitness tracker/smartwatch maybe set some personal goals within goals

Feel free to invite others of like minds to join the group on 100club.live and on Strava

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Club | 100 Club on Strava

You can do walk/run for inspiration as well fellas

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About the author: John May MyPledge
I am a 100 Club Foundation Member and excited to be here.
How to Turn Negative Thoughts Into Positive Actions

John May

I am a 100 Club Foundation Member and excited to be here.

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