
100 Club Foundation and 4 Pillars

The 100 Club is a movement and platform grounded in four key pillars: Context, Connection, Channel, and Commitment. This is no ordinary community; it is a profound platform of enlightenment and empowerment. Its four mighty pillars offer the keys to unlocking your true potential: embracing context, forging connections, fostering fair exchange, and taking unwavering action.

Let's discuss each one in turn.
See Video below for more detail

Pillar 1: Context

Firstly, Context is about understanding the bigger picture of our lives. To do this, we consider concepts like lifespan, healthspan, life stages and life aspects. We also draw on both leading-edge and traditional approaches to gain a broader perspective on our existence.

Context is the compass that guides us through life's labyrinth. By expanding our awareness and understanding the grand tapestry of existence, we gain the power to conquer any challenge that comes our way. No longer shall we be victims of circumstance; instead, we shall become masters of our destiny.

Life Stages

The 100 Club also emphasizes the concept of lifespan. We aspire not just to live a long life, but to make the most of our potential in terms of health, relationships, and careers. To achieve this, we need planning, intent, and action.

Life Aspects

The 100 Club identifies and categorises the following 8 baseline Life Aspects one, more or all of which can be assessed as snapshots of Past, Present and Future points along your Stream of Time.  This helps provide focus and context for in many of our internal dialogues along with those involving Friends & Family, Colleagues, peers and other external parties.  THey apply pretty much universally to dividing up our lives into manageable chunks for closer inspection and management.

Pillar 2: Connection

Secondly, the pillar of Connection emphasizes the importance of our relationships in shaping a fulfilling life. This includes our relationships with friends, family, colleagues, and community groups. The 100 Club recognizes the significance of both giving and receiving in our communal lives.

Connections are the fuel that propels us forward on our path to greatness. In the symphony of life, we are not solitary notes but a harmonious ensemble. Embrace the vibrant tapestry of relationships, kindle the fires of community, and together, we shall soar to unimaginable heights. 

Some of the most important Connections we have over the course of our Life are with multiple Generations of our Family.  This perspective has an everchanging but enduring impact on our Values, sense of worth, priorities, motivations, belief systems along with the full spectrum of emotional states.

Pillar 3: Channel

Next, the third pillar, Channel, refers to a platform for a fair exchange of energy and value. It's about aligning our products and services with our core beliefs and values. In this way, we can trust in our choices and in the products we use.

Pillar 4: Commitment

Lastly, the pillar of Commitment is about taking action with intention and consistency. Our commitment is demonstrated by the actions we take, guided by our belief systems and cultural influences. This pillar also emphasizes the importance of setting goals, evaluating our progress, and having others observe our actions. The feedback we receive from external witnesses provides valuable perspectives that can help us grow and evolve.

Committed action is the holy grail of transformation. It is the fierce determination that propels us past obstacles, the unwavering focus that keeps us on course, and the audacious courage to chart uncharted territories. With each step we take, guided by our purpose and witnessed by our community, we blaze a trail of triumph and leave an indelible mark on the world.

Furthermore, the 100 Club highlights the importance of understanding the different stages of life - childhood, adulthood, and elderhood. Recognizing the transitions between these stages and the unique attributes of each stage can enhance our overall life experience.

If you're interested in learning more about the 100 Club and its principles, we invite you to visit our website at www.100club.live. You can also connect with us through various social media channels, including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and learning from your insights. Thank you for listening, and we hope to connect with you soon.
