Reset Your Mindset 2 Day Intensive Workshop 2023

(1 customer review)


Reset Your Mindset 2 Day Intensive An initial 2 Day Intensive Online Retreat of breakthrough transformation results for new clients. The program follows a set structure that clarifies desired results, aligns the client with their goals, identifies blocks to performance and actions required to remove the blocks. This includes very specific actions and measures to ensure material progress on defined goals over the 2 full days. Available Dates: (select your choice via Booking Calendar) – 15th April- 10am to 16th March 6pm 2023 21st May – 10am to 22nd May 6pm 2023

SKU: RST-YR-MND-8 Category: Tags: , ,

1 review for Reset Your Mindset 2 Day Intensive Workshop 2023

  1. johnmay


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