Shoulders of Giants Series – 01

by John May  - June 13, 2023

This post kicks off some specifics in relation to the leveraging of the thoughts, skills and experience, knowledge and ultimately wisdom past and present 'Giants of Life' that have informed my current perspectives on life.

The premise is don't re-invent the wheel but exploit and progress the application of existing wheels to 1) get further down your own path 2) perhaps with hard won experience and reflection refine the wheel for use by other in the present and future. Our initial cast of Giants includes:

  • Dr Joe Dispenza
  • Eckhart Tolle
  • Rich Roll

You acquaint or re-acquaint yourself with each of these giants using the links below to start.  If one or more of these individuals and their work resonates with you in any way and you would like to explore in the company of other like-minded people you can always join our Fanboy/Girl Group here.  Don't forget to involve any of your peers in your journey as well so they don't get left behind.

Why not share your favourite takeaways from one of these people or perhaps suggest another Giant we should be getting to know and why.  Either Comment below or Join the 100 Club Community to Post your views.

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John May

I am a 100 Club Foundation Member and excited to be here.

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